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  • 🤸 3 steps to catalyze your next career move, “stay interviews,” & valued > needed

🤸 3 steps to catalyze your next career move, “stay interviews,” & valued > needed

Hey — it’s Cristina & Jenni.

This week, we’re chatting about the twists and turns in our career paths and why they’re not only okay, but often necessary, to build fulfilling careers.

Whether you’re facing a career pivot or contemplating a change, we discuss how to use everything you’ve already learned, shift your mindset, and confidently step into a new chapter, even when it feels overwhelming.


What we’re reflecting on this week

During a recent run club, I chatted with a friend who’d just finished her master’s and was back at her old law firm, feeling stuck. She wanted to work in a field blending law, ethics, and AI but felt under-qualified.

Days later, a former colleague from my consulting days shared a similar sentiment. He was eyeing a pivot to product management but felt hopeless without direct experience.

Spotting a pattern? 👀

These limiting beliefs are the stories that keep us stuck, thoughts like:

  • “Who am I to be trying this?”

  • “I have no chance. There are others who are better skilled than me.”

  • “It’s too late to make a change.”

It’s our lifelong friend, imposter syndrome, coming in hot! 🔥

But, why does it creep up on us?

Because we tend to cling to the familiar, known situation, even when it’s far from fulfilling. Our dreams and aspirations get brushed off under “someday.” It’s easier to remain in our comfort zone with our current security tricking us into believing that we have enough so that we don’t dream of more.

We know that transitions are tough. But it’s these very shifts that shape us by putting both our skills and mindset to the test.

In 2021, I stood at a similar crossroads. 

Wanting to leave a secure corporate job for a risky pre-seed startup. My concerns were only amplified by the "startup experience" prerequisite I kept receiving when applying to jobs. “How can I get experience if no one is willing to give me the opportunity?” I thought.

But, instead of retreating, I kept going, spotting opportunities where none seemed to exist.

I got clear on my goal, put together an action plan, and a few weeks later started my first “startup” gig on the side while working full-time. And it all began with a cold message on LinkedIn!

There are 3 steps that I took to help me navigate this career pivot with confidence and clarity.

But before I dive into those, I will say that what helped me the most was my mindset. I reframed this particular time as an exciting reinvention, and this immediately made me feel more excited than afraid.

I felt my dimmed light already on a path to shinning brighter.

So, if you're at a crossroads, in the midst of a career pivot, or itching for change, gift yourself the time to pause and reflect. Then, lean into courage to keep moving forward, one step at a time. It’s the small shifts we make each day that will eventually lead us to what we really want for ourselves.

3 steps to catalyze your next career move:
  1. 💭 Dream, then distill. Think about your next career chapter.

    • How does your ideal role shape up?

    • Which current strengths and leadership experiences can you leverage?

    • What tasks or interactions define your day?

    • Where areas do you want to strengthen or develop?

    • And don't forget your non-negotiables. For example: Are you willing to move laterally or downward to get there?

    🛑 Remember: When we give ourselves the space to disconnect from our current struggles and visualize something brighter, new possibilities emerge.

  2. 📊 Find evidence, align, and apply. Tailor your story to resonate with your desired roles.

    • Look for evidence in your past experiences, both the failures and achievements, to identify your unique value proposition and relevant expertise.

    • Analyze job descriptions for key skills and capabilities.

    • Retrofit your CV to fit the job descriptions you’re applying for.

    • Upskill on any gaps, if necessary, through platforms like Coursera or Udemy.

    🛑 Remember: A career pivot doesn’t mean that we’re starting from scratch. It’s built on a foundation of experience.

  3. 🌐 Increase your outreach.

    • Let your trusted friends and connections know of your intentions to pivot and ask them to keep an eye out for certain roles or to introduce you to anyone currently doing the role you aspire to do.

    • Use LinkedIn to network with professionals in your target domain. Ask them if you can have a 15-minute call to understand what their day-to-day looks like and the skills and capabilities they think are key to being successful in the role.

    • Explore platforms like X for more connections. Send private DMs - you’d be surprised by how many people are willing to offer advice and help you!

    🛑 Remember: Advocacy starts with yourself. If you don’t champion your cause, who will?

    → When was the last time you asked yourself what you really wanted? What's holding you back from taking the first step? Is there anyone you can send this to who you think may benefit from doing this exercise?

What we’re learning this week
What we’re enjoying this week

We’re loving Adam Grant’s insights from this post, drawing an immediate connection to leadership and the importance of letting go of ego and the desire to be indispensable to build self-sufficient, resilient teams.

That’s it for this week — thanks for reading.

See you next Thursday! 🤸‍♀️


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